
Why Journaling Is Important

To Do Today:

Clean the file cabinet:

So, while cleaning out the file cabinet, I came across several talks I had given over the years.

One talk was given to a group of Primary workers in Sugar City, Idaho, a small city about ten miles from where I lived.

The talk was a talk to encourage them in their challenging callings as Primary teachers.  I made three points about why they, as Primary workers, were so significant to the young children in their classes.  Reading it was fun because the talk had been given about 35 years ago.

But, most of the talk was written in just short little incomplete sentences.

At the conclusion of the talk explaining how important each teacher is; for the final wrap up, I used as a story an example of what had happened in our stake in Rexburg, Idaho after the incredible flood of 1976, when the Teton Dam had burst.

However, as I said, the talk was in short cryptic sentences, and so was the finale of the talk.  The concluding line said something like, "Let me conclude by telling you how important Primary is to young children.  Here's what happened in our Stake in the Primaries immediately after the flood...."

and the sentence ends.

I have no clue what happened in our Stake Primary in 1976, and I was the Stake Primary President.  I have absolutely NO MEMORY of that event, or what I was talking about.  But, it was significant enough that it is the FINALE of a talk on the importance of Primary.

I have no JOURNAL RECORD of that event.

And, I don't recall it.

Oh, yes, I do believe in keeping a journal.  (or in my case, a blog.)

1 comment:

Mrs. Olsen said...

Aaaah! I need to do better at journaling. Thanks for the reminder.

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