
Things I Wish I Had Taught My Children

We've had visitors lately.  It's always great.  I like it.

When one guest left recently, I thought about his politeness, his gratitude, and it made me realize that I wish I had been more careful about teaching my children a few things.  I knew some good teaching had gone on in his home.

These are in no certain order and no certain significance; they are just things I should have paid more attention to and focused more on:

FINANCIAL lessons.  My father was so very private about money.  I followed suit. But, I didn't really talk about money issues. I wish I had helped them see and understand  the amazing principal of interest.  It can work for you or against you.   I should have helped them see the absolute importance of paying your bills on time, which we have always done, but I didn't talk about that with our children.  No matter how little or how much money you make, SAVE SOME.  And, of course, pay a full tithe...great blessings will come from that in ways you can't imagine.

GRATITUDE - write thank you notes, call, express appreciation.   I would tell my children that expressing gratitude is one of the most important things you can do - whether you get something small or large.  Just acknowledge it!

WHEN you stay with someone, be sure to turn off the lights, make the bed, leave it as clean or cleaner than you left it.  Put dishes in the sink, leave no footprints that you were there.  Actually, our children  do this when they visit us, so I just hope they will do it when they visit others.

HELP OTHERS as much as you can.  It's so fun to help others, no matter in what capacity.  Sometimes it's just fun to do things anonymously; other times it's necessary to make it known.  But, what a great feeling to help people - no matter in what way it is done.

BE KIND to old people.  Young kids and young adults don't have a lot to say to older people, but I will tell you this, we love it when young uns speak to us.

LEARN TO WORK and play - hard.  Both are needed; both are required for a good balance.  Too much of one is not good.  You need both.

TAKE AN INTEREST in others.  We had some people over today to get acquainted with some new people in the neighborhood.  One lady monopolized the entire conversation; if someone brought up something, she told about it in HER life.  It was amazing how she couldn't just sit back and enjoy listening to the stories of the other people there.  It's so important to show you are interested in others.  I've learned a lot of that from RAH.

BE LOYAL and love your spouse.

Okay, I need a parent do-over.

1 comment:

Ms. Fish said...

I love this list! Very, very good advice. I wish I could have a do-over too.

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