
Uptight Vs Relaxed

When T told me recently that her two sons were coming to visit, it was interesting to hear her reaction.

She said within one hour she got a call from her son to the south and an email from her son to the north that they were coming for the four-day weekend.

"My stomach went into knots immediately," she said.  "And they will be in knots until a day after everyone leaves!  It's just so stressful for me the entire time they are here.  I can't relax and enjoy them for one minute! Between them, they have six children and it is just chaos and mess from the minute they enter the front door till they drive away at the end of the day on Monday.  I don't understand why my OWN family puts me in such a panic!"

She made me think of Jeanine.  I've never met anyone like Jeanine.  Because Jeanine is the polar opposite of T.  

Jeanine is the most relaxed person I have ever met.  

Nothing upsets her, and I do mean, NOTHING.  It doesn't bother her when her kids run amok.  (But, here I have to say her kids do have the same pleasant and calm disposition she does, so they don't really run amok all that much.)  It's not that she is oblivious to her children or surroundings, it's just that she can relax and essentially pick her battles.  Which is to say, she has none.  

She does not explode, get angry, frown, get uptight, express dissastisfaction, displeasure, does not ever show impatience with her children or her husband.  

To me, she's a perfect example of what we all should be; patient.

Sometimes when I find myself getting uptight, I think of Jeanine.  I slow down, take a breath, and try to relax.

Honestly, though, I don't think of her often enough in frustrating situations.

But, I'll keep trying to NOT be like T and be much more like Jeanine...oh, she's got it right.

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Best Family Ever!

  Latest Zoom call.  I love these great people.  Good, good GOOD.  How did I get so blessed?!?!?!