
Sorrow That the Eye Can't See...

...that line comes to me often in the course of a week.

You see people; they are smiling, they are talking, but their hearts may be broken.

And, so it is with two people in my life right now.

One is S, who is broken-hearted and lonely as she sits in a nursing home wondering why this had to be.

The other is R, who just received some very heart-breaking news.

I wish that life would always be:  happy; that things would always work out for people; that no one had to worry about money, health, jobs, religion, disobedient children; that we would all treat each other fairly and as we wish to be treated.

But, alas, that is not the way of life.

So, there will always be
Sorrow that the eye can't see.

And, oftentimes, it is sorrow that we CAN see.

So, our challenge is to be kind, pleasant, and concerned.

Our task is just to be there for the ones we know are hurting.

I want to be that way.  I'm not always, but that is my goal.

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