
The Sunday Visits

DC lives down the street.  She talks all the time - about herself.  She's fun and has lots of friends.  You are aware of her immediately in any situation.

But, the conversation is always about HER.

And, that's okay - she has so many interesting stories to tell about her life, her growing-up years, etc.

But, the reason I mention DC is because she misses out on so much when she always monopolizes the conversation.

And, that's what I was thinking about when I went to visit Nichole today.  I was realizing - that when DC talks all the time she doesn't get to know the stories of so many marvelous people in our neighborhood!

Like, Nichole....

Nichole is a primary teacher in our ward.  She is quiet and comes faithfully each week.  I did not know her at all.  I only knew her as the reliable, dependable, quiet lady on the front row.  Oh, her Primary kids love her!

But visiting her in her home I realized that she is one phenomenal lady.  She is the mother of four beautiful children; three girls and a boy.  She told me about her growing up years, her unique job, meeting her husband, her musical family, her parents mission to Africa.  It was a delight to be in her lovely home and to get better acquainted.  I loved seeing her in her surroundings.  I loved the cozy, accepting feeling in her home.

She was so gentle and pleasant and kind.  I came away feeling refreshed, inspired, and grateful for people like Nichole teaching in the Primary.

And, I felt sorry for DC, who misses out on so much when she only talks and never listens!

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