
Backpacks and Bus Schedules

I was going to count how many men came in today wearing their backpacks.

However, I was very busy.

So, I didn't count.

But, imagine this - having EVERYTHING you own in a backpack.

Today, one man hesitated to even set his backpack down while he went to work next door at the DI....  "It's got all my belongings in it," he said to the transient bishop.

Another man told me he is camping down the road.  I didn't ask, but I wondered if his sleeping gear was in his backpack.

And because they carry everything with them and have no cars, they need the bus schedules.  I hardly even knew there was much of a bus service in this town!!!!

Oh, yes, there are the green, yellow, red, and blue bus lines.  And, these men learn very quickly which bus goes where.  I'm grateful there is public transportation....

I'm learning so much.....

so many things......

and I'm learning just how important a backpack and a bus schedule really is.

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