
Grateful for Early Settlers in the West


How did they do it?

Hot, dry, dusty, long, never-ending, scarce food, even scarcer water.

I have such admiration for the early settlers/explorers of the West.

And, all of this appreciation comes after going on a three and a half mile hike in Bryce Canyon!

HA HA!  In this picture, Allen told me to put on some semblance of a smile!

Here's the thing; it was so easy for the myriads of people there.  It was a challenge for me because of several factors.  GOING UPHILL.  I don't ever drink much water.  I had to use the restroom.  There wasn't a McDonalds at the bottom to get an ice cold soda!

So, I realized what a tremendous amount of work, effort, hardship, and challenges early settlers and pioneers had.

I had an end in sight, water in sight, a nice meal, an okay restroom, more water,  excellent shoes, and a nice night's rest.

I'm beyond grateful for my family members who suffered much more that I ever would on a 4 hour hike!

Having said all that, I was in awe of the incredible beauty of this amazing place so close to our home.

Southern Utah has such grandeur and beauty.  I'm glad to live here.


From the Past

I just came across this; I rarely look at Facebook any more, 
but I got an email that reminded me of this post on June 20, 2016.  

I still feel the same way.  I am grateful for technology.  I use it for many things, 
including church related apps, videos, talks, books, etc.  
BUT, I certainly hope that I will still LOOK UP and appreciate the beauty around me.


Feeling Grateful

So, life is very fragile.  Or, as the guy in the movie says...fra-gee-lay!

I feel grateful for Allen's life and that he is on the mend so well.

Earlier today a lady I know told me about her husband having a stroke.  Now, the thing is, the lady has MS, and has been in a wheelchair for many years.  She is almost totally dependent on her husband to help her.

With his stroke, he lost the use of mobility, language, brain function, driving ability.  He is recovering, but it will be long and in the meantime, they have no way to get around.

As he was telling me this, she remained smiling, as always; pleasant, as always;, and hopeful, as always.

Gratitude, at any stage of life, is so important.

And, I need to remember that.

Yes, I feel so grateful for our wonderful family who supported us so well during the time of RAH's care and recovery.  I'm grateful for the doctors who are so skilled and know what they are doing.

I'm grateful for the many friends and neighbors who visited, called, texted, were concerned for RAH's recovery and well being.

Life can definitely be a challenge, but it's always good to look for the positive and what we can be thankful for.


Tip of the Week


And, I do mean N.E.V.E.R.

Order a chocolate product from Amazon in a St George Summer!

Because they are partially healthy, I like Trader Joe almonds covered in dark chocolate.

So, I made a very foolish decision to order some when my last carton ran out.


Because it was the middle of June.  Temperatures are above 100.  I don't pick up the mail every day.

So, these lovely almonds melted in the hot mailbox for two days.

Now, I have ONE BIG chocolate covered almond cluster.

And, no matter what the chocolatiers
 say about heat not affecting the taste of the chocolate,
they LIE.  This chocolate tastes chalky and yucky and like a total waste of money.

So, I am left to wonder, what idiot would order chocolate in the SUMMER?

I guess that would be MOI!


The Granny Biker.....oops TRIKER!

Okay, so as a child, I couldn't wait to get on a two -wheeler.  That would mean I was really grown up!

Now, I'm back to being on a three wheeler.  HA HA.

But, you see, it's so much safer for this 75 year old.


Over the Fence

Next door to us lives a great family....

I have loved living next door to them for about two years.  Sometimes on a sunday night, they will drop by with cookies, or just come over to visit.

But, they are moving soon, and I'm sad about it.

I love their six kids; three boys, three little girls.  Their parents are two of the most calm and awesome parents ever.

But, here's the thing;

Behind us, just over the fence, lives a married couple who are counting the days till they leave.

Recently, at a neighborhood gathering, the retired couple spent some time downgrading and being angry about the family until I changed the subject.  Because I love the family.

The kids are just kids.

But, over the fence, they are upset because of what has accidentally gone into their yard; balls, more balls, gum, and some more balls.  The good neighbors even put up a HUGE mesh along the fence to catch anything going astray.

But, the neighbors over the fence weren't satisfied.  They spoke with anger, bitterness; it all seemed so shallow to me.

We have a family with 11 kids living behind us; they've sent things spiraling over the fence into our yard or on our roof, and I just love it when the kids come over apologetically to retrieve the items.  I'm happy to see them and talk to them.

So, I don't get the big hullabaloo from the people over the fence.

It shows me -- again - we are all different.  I'm not necessarily right and neither are they.

But, for me, on this side of the fence, I will miss the dear Christiansen's.



Paige, the only young at the party...she was so steady and good at this game!

John Hrabar made the game.  It was fun!

Gigi Kern looks perplexed.  She has to be one of the most amazing and interesting persons ever.
She is from Germany and remembers the bombings from WWII.  

This is a great picture because we are just actually getting started, so Dennis is sitting pretty close.  As the game progressed, he moved further and further away.  This is my dear friend, Donna being very precise.

Peggy and John Hrabar and her parents, Jim and Gigi Kern had a party last night.

And, we played the ADULT version of JENGA.

It was so fun and challenging.

It was such a perfect evening with neighbors/friends.
Stan, Donna Conder
Dennis (pictured), Pat...wish I had a picture; she sports bright pink hair.  Love it.
John, Peggy Hrabar,
Faith and ? with her granddaughter, Paige.
Jim and Gigi Kern

I love where I live.  And, I'm grateful for good neighbors!


The Birthday Girl Gets a Tribute from her Sister

Jenni 66:  So here’s a few stories: Dr. Rose (pictured right) is a damn good anesthesiologist. She makes good decisions and stays calm under intense pressure, like when the patient is crashing and she has SECONDS to intubate a challenging airway or the patient will DIE. She holds a patient’s hand and helps them through a scary time. She takes time and explains what is happening. #asgoodasanurse


Of her own free will, she CHOSE to hike 8-12 miles/ day along the Amalfi coast for her honeymoon 😱❤️🏃🏻‍♀️🥾 #notlazy

She finally got to go on her dream vacation to Greece. (I use the word “finally” somewhat loosely as she goes on a dream vacation about every 6 months 🙊😂). Kristi was there with a bestie and her two kids. Only there 12 hours when her bestie got word that her partner was killed on a motorcycle. Shaken and in shock, Kristi’s friend wasn’t in a mental state to figure out the logistics for getting back home. Kristi arranged immediate flights to the US (NOT easy) but there weren’t enough seats for her friend’s 9-yr old son. Kristi flew home with him, her return one-way ticket costing triple the price of the original round trip. #amazingfriend

When my dad had open heart surgery one month ago, Kristi dropped everything and flew from Virginia to be here and help for a week. #daughteroftheyear

When she came for a visit, we went on a little bike ride. That’s what you do with her....something active. I caused her to crash into me. She was so helpful and calm (#stilldoctoring) helping me limp home with my broken arm 💪🏼. #DidntGetMadAtMe#patient

She has sacrificed SO much to become a physician. But she has helped so many in immeasurable ways. #literallifesaver . .

She’s planning to hike Kilamanjaro. #holyxxxx! .

I could go on and on and on and on. It’s hard to encapsulate a person’s life who dedicates herself to service and being awesome in a stupid little IG post. You’ll have to just take my word. This girl deserves the BEST the world has to offer. She IS the best the world has to offer. Seriously. #nohyperbolehere .

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sister. She’s younger than me but I look UP to her more than anyone. 😘👯‍♀️💚💙

This makes a mother's heart so happy.  I love that they admire and respect each other so much.  They are THE BEST....just like their Grandmothers!


A Happy Letter From My Favorite Elder

Hey grandma. Thanks so much for the prayers. They seem to really pay off. The mission is so much fun. Can you believe im already at 5 months? It goes by fast. We are finding a lot of success with people. There are a lot of baptisms coming up soon hopefully.
   The Hispanic people are so great too. I love Spanish so much.  This week I feel like I've been speaking it really well. I gave a talk at a baptism for someone I found on Saturday and someone came up to me afterwards and said that they thought I was a Latino for a little bit (I'm probably made a grammar mistake on something really simple and that's what gave it away). I also met someone yesterday who just got here from Columbia and he was asking me if I new how to speak English and then he asked me where I learned. I was like "English?Do you mean Spanish?" but he said no, and wanted to know how I was able to learn English.
   It's so great when my prayers are answered like that. I've studied so hard but I've also prayed even harder every day asking God for the gift of tounges and to help me speak as well as the Hispanics do. I'm obviously not there yet but as continue to work on my humility and study and pray then the language keeps on coming. A big thing is learning all of the slang and just how things are said because just because something is correct, doesn't mean it's how people usually say it.
   So that was my week. I love you tons grandma. Have a good week. I fasted this week for Grandpa'd health amongst a 1 or 2 other things.

Oh, just warms the cockles of my heart!

(Whatever that is!)


My Mother's Purse

After my mother died in 2004, I was in her bedroom, going thru her things.

On top of a dresser in the corner was her blue purse.  She had used it for a very long time, but I was not prepared for what I saw when I opened it.

The lining inside was totally in shreds....torn completely apart.  At that sight, I burst into tears.  I wept openly for a long time.

I'm sure part of that was the emotion over her death.

But another part was that the purse was a reminder to me that my mother is the most unselfish person I've ever known.  Her purse was a sort of evidence of that because she didn't buy stuff for herself; she shared with others.....

When she got money for Christmas, she spent it on her children.  My parents had many people stay in their homes over the years; some for extended periods of time.  She fed homeless train riders who found their way to our home on Thanksgiving.  People loved to come to our home for her incredible meals and she fed them so willingly and unselfishly.

When I think now, these so many years later, I see my mother in my mind's eye and she is smiling,  She is the gentle mother who asked little in life, but gave much; much laughter, happiness, joy, goodness.

(Recently my husband was extolling the virtues of our two daughters; their thoughtfulnesses, their kindnesses, their goodnesses, their concern and caring, and I said they get it from both grandmothers. )

Oh, dear mother, if you were here, we would go shopping and I would gladly buy you a new purse.  But that is not what you would want of me; I see the greater lesson here..... I need to be more like you!  I need to be doing for others, like you did your entire life for others.

My parents on a mission to Hawaii.  Dad taught law and business law.  Mom was a secretary for a lady in the art department.  She was much loved by her boss, who had been notoriously difficult for others to get along with.  I love this picture because it shows my parents so happy - giving service to others, which was what their lives were about.

It's not really about a purse at all, is it?  It's about being a giver, a doer, a carer, someone like YOU!

What a legacy of goodness you have left for me to try to follow!

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...