
Tip of the Week


And, I do mean N.E.V.E.R.

Order a chocolate product from Amazon in a St George Summer!

Because they are partially healthy, I like Trader Joe almonds covered in dark chocolate.

So, I made a very foolish decision to order some when my last carton ran out.


Because it was the middle of June.  Temperatures are above 100.  I don't pick up the mail every day.

So, these lovely almonds melted in the hot mailbox for two days.

Now, I have ONE BIG chocolate covered almond cluster.

And, no matter what the chocolatiers
 say about heat not affecting the taste of the chocolate,
they LIE.  This chocolate tastes chalky and yucky and like a total waste of money.

So, I am left to wonder, what idiot would order chocolate in the SUMMER?

I guess that would be MOI!

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