
The Birthday Girl Gets a Tribute from her Sister

Jenni 66:  So here’s a few stories: Dr. Rose (pictured right) is a damn good anesthesiologist. She makes good decisions and stays calm under intense pressure, like when the patient is crashing and she has SECONDS to intubate a challenging airway or the patient will DIE. She holds a patient’s hand and helps them through a scary time. She takes time and explains what is happening. #asgoodasanurse


Of her own free will, she CHOSE to hike 8-12 miles/ day along the Amalfi coast for her honeymoon 😱❤️🏃🏻‍♀️🥾 #notlazy

She finally got to go on her dream vacation to Greece. (I use the word “finally” somewhat loosely as she goes on a dream vacation about every 6 months 🙊😂). Kristi was there with a bestie and her two kids. Only there 12 hours when her bestie got word that her partner was killed on a motorcycle. Shaken and in shock, Kristi’s friend wasn’t in a mental state to figure out the logistics for getting back home. Kristi arranged immediate flights to the US (NOT easy) but there weren’t enough seats for her friend’s 9-yr old son. Kristi flew home with him, her return one-way ticket costing triple the price of the original round trip. #amazingfriend

When my dad had open heart surgery one month ago, Kristi dropped everything and flew from Virginia to be here and help for a week. #daughteroftheyear

When she came for a visit, we went on a little bike ride. That’s what you do with her....something active. I caused her to crash into me. She was so helpful and calm (#stilldoctoring) helping me limp home with my broken arm 💪🏼. #DidntGetMadAtMe#patient

She has sacrificed SO much to become a physician. But she has helped so many in immeasurable ways. #literallifesaver . .

She’s planning to hike Kilamanjaro. #holyxxxx! .

I could go on and on and on and on. It’s hard to encapsulate a person’s life who dedicates herself to service and being awesome in a stupid little IG post. You’ll have to just take my word. This girl deserves the BEST the world has to offer. She IS the best the world has to offer. Seriously. #nohyperbolehere .

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sister. She’s younger than me but I look UP to her more than anyone. 😘👯‍♀️💚💙

This makes a mother's heart so happy.  I love that they admire and respect each other so much.  They are THE BEST....just like their Grandmothers!

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