
A Happy Letter From My Favorite Elder

Hey grandma. Thanks so much for the prayers. They seem to really pay off. The mission is so much fun. Can you believe im already at 5 months? It goes by fast. We are finding a lot of success with people. There are a lot of baptisms coming up soon hopefully.
   The Hispanic people are so great too. I love Spanish so much.  This week I feel like I've been speaking it really well. I gave a talk at a baptism for someone I found on Saturday and someone came up to me afterwards and said that they thought I was a Latino for a little bit (I'm probably made a grammar mistake on something really simple and that's what gave it away). I also met someone yesterday who just got here from Columbia and he was asking me if I new how to speak English and then he asked me where I learned. I was like "English?Do you mean Spanish?" but he said no, and wanted to know how I was able to learn English.
   It's so great when my prayers are answered like that. I've studied so hard but I've also prayed even harder every day asking God for the gift of tounges and to help me speak as well as the Hispanics do. I'm obviously not there yet but as continue to work on my humility and study and pray then the language keeps on coming. A big thing is learning all of the slang and just how things are said because just because something is correct, doesn't mean it's how people usually say it.
   So that was my week. I love you tons grandma. Have a good week. I fasted this week for Grandpa'd health amongst a 1 or 2 other things.

Oh, just warms the cockles of my heart!

(Whatever that is!)

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