
Winner: Funniest Statement at Family History Center

In two years of a mission and a couple of months volunteering at the family history center, I had not heard a statement quite like this in referring to doing genealogy.

I call it: the honest remark of a person trying to work on family history as we have been commanded to do...

The shift leader asked me if I could help Dody, an older lady. As she sat down beside me with her papers and flash drive,she said, "I'd rather have a pap smear than do this!"

Ah, honesty...gotta love it!


Nat said...

OK...I laughed out loud! That's not something you hear everyday at the Family History Center

Lauralee said...

So comical. She sounds like a witty soul.

kelli said...

that is funny!

Mrs. Olsen said...

You should always take Dody to the hairdresser with you to get an honest opinion.

OH, Those Wonderful Grandkids....