
Weight, Weight, Don't Tell Me!

The picture, which I had never seen before, absolutely stunned me! The woman on the back row was ginormous, looked like she could play football in the NFL. The woman on the front row was big also. Oh, it was scary because the picture was my dad's great grandmother, and his grandmother!

Which also meant they were related to MOI!

The yellowed, aging newspaper article stated: " They are the LARGEST - in height and width - family in the state of Idaho. Each one weighs well over 2oo pounds." Oh, this was scary because this family was my mother's grandfather and her father.

Which also meant they were related to MOI!

Now, I ask you, seriously, with ancestors like that - what - with those genes in my body - chance do I have to look like I did when I was 13; tall and gangly? Answer -I have no chance.

But, it also seems hopeless because I've seen weight loss failures in so many people around me:

So, again I say, why even try?

Where's that left-over pizza?


Lauralee said...

Bless our anscestors, for they knew not. Lucky us, we know and have the ability to do something to make a change. We owe it to ourselves and our posterity to try.

kelli said...


KRose said...

so...not that this will make you feel any better....but as parents, this is why it is ESSENTIAL to teach young chitlins good eating and exercising habits....as old people - it's hard and impossible....get your metabolism set up right from the beginnning!

OH, Those Wonderful Grandkids....