
It's a Small World

She was my favorite Sunday School teacher in the Idaho town of my youth....she was awesome and lll the kids adored her. Then she got married, and we liked her husband, Vince. She had a baby, and then Vince got a brain tumor. Oh, way too young, but he died.

I heard she got married to a man whose wife had died, leaving several young children. They had a child of their own....and as, is so often the case.....I lost total contact with or about her.

One day, many many years later, my grandson - who had just moved to Hurricane, Utah, mentioned his Sunday School teacher's name, and I thought, "There is just, "NO WAY!"

But, it was true....my teacher as a Southern Idaho teen was now my grandson's teacher as a Southern Utah teen.

And, yes, it's true...he liked her as much as I had all those years before....

Thanks, Marba Cottle Pearson Thompson for sharing your love with my grandson and with me and with countless others in between!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

This was the funnest thing ever to find out. What a crazy, crazy coincidence. We have been so blessed to become friends with Paul and Marba: two of the greatest people on the planet!!

Thanks for a great post.

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