
The Volunteer

First, he volunteered at the cannery pitting apricots.

A few days later, he volunteered to thin apricots at the church farm in Hurricane.

And, a few days after that, he volunteered to wash dishes at the cafeteria in the temple.

He's good.

Lots of the people won't/can't/don't volunteer when the list comes around, but he usually signs up.

The cannery assignment was for four hours standing in an assembly line...no break, no water to drink, exceedingly noisy...it made him dizzy to watch as the endless line of apricots rolled by on the conveyor belt, but he stayed to the end of the shift.

He wasn't needed when he got to the church farm, so he and a friend explored some remote country roads....something he loves to do.

Doing dishes in the temple cafeteria for four hours was hot, sweaty, and a challenge to stand on his feet all that time.

But, isn't that really what is supposed to be about...helping - even when it's hard.

Now I've volunteered him for another gig...teaching in China!

Ah, maybe after this, we'll both say our volunteering days are over!

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