
Only Daughter

My sisters-in-law are the greatest; both my brothers' wives, and my husband's sisters.

They are thoughtful, kind, funny, interesting and inspiring. I love to be around; Shauna, Libby, Janice, Donna, Lois, Regina, Ava. I am very grateful for all of them.

But, I've always yearned for a sister.

And, the time I wish for it the most is when I am going through my parent's pictures, papers, stuff. Because I think a sister could more fully appreciate/enjoy/delight/feel sorrow - the items I discover from boxes recovered in their home.

I'm cleaning and organizing and tossing and filing. And, today I came across some items from my mother's high school years, and her early years living in Washington, DC. My mother was young and beautiful and so like young people today who are full of life and yearning for love. These letters/notes tugged at my heart strings, and I so wanted to share them with - a non-existent sister.

from a letter to her best friend...Feb 17, 1937
"I got me a grand black velvet evening wrap....I got my black and silver dress and slippers for the Gold and Green Ball in Baltimore so I was all fixed up...All in debt about thirty dollars. I had a little saved to get me a spring outfit, but I spent it all and went in debt. Woe is me. He (Roland Young) wants me to go to New York with him this Sunday--don't say anything---I don't know as I should go or not....The folks want me to come home and go to school next winter. Boy, I don't know what to do. I just love it here"(speaking of Washington, DC).

from a note attached to ticket stub of a city bus:
"Marc Felt gave this to me when I worked in the Senator's office for him. I had a hard time getting there and getting home. First time I rode a street car bus in Washington, DC. Marc is just darling. I wish he liked me!"

from a letter to her parents in Preston, Idaho:
"Dearest Folks, I'm homesick!! I've been gone for eight months oh, I want to see you all so bad!....and Merrill (the man who would become my father) won't call me. The last five times he's asked me to go out, I've had to turn him down on account of Roland or cause it would be too late, and I want to see him so bad. Mother, he's Grand! Oh, I could just cry, but no tears will come! I can't work. I don't want to eat, I can't study. In fact I can't get my mind on anything but Merrill. Gee, it's hell. I cried last night in bed cause I'm so blue & lonely! I thought he'd call last night, but he didn't...."

Mom, you were wonderful and beautiful and so very good. I love these little glimpses into your life so many years ago.

Love, your Only Daughter.


Jenni said...

- how I wish you had a sister, too. It makes me sad for Janessa.

- I loved reading these excerpts to glimpse into gma as a young adult. Thanks for posting.

- wow. The gold and green ball was serious stuff. (we were resurrecting those in our stake, but had to postpone it cuz they changed Prom to be the same night)

Mrs. Olsen said...

I didn't know you had NO sisters. Those letters are priceless. We all need to see our mothers and granddaughters in this phase of their lives. I cringe to think what some of my letters/journal entries talked about!

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