
The Wal*Mart/Budget Dilemma

"I'll never shop at Wal*Mart," Andy said to me many years ago.

My own father-in-law had been essentially put out of his corner grocery store business when Wal*Mart had come to the area, so I knew it was a controversial store.

But, here's my dilemma:

I'm on a tight budget. I like a good deal. I can buy a gallon of store-brand milk at Wal*Mart for $1.72. Or I can buy a high-end brand for $4.38 as shown in the picture above. Or I can go to my local supermarket and pay $3.89 a gallon.

I just paid $12.00 at Staples for a fancy notebook for a specific project, then bought a nicer one today at Wal*Mart for six dollars.
Avocados are 84 cents at Wal*Mart, and 2 or 3 dollars and Harmon's.

So, herein lies my dilemma....refuse to shop at Wal*Mart for all the obvious reasons, or pay much higher prices to sooth the soul, but not the pocketbook.
It's not easy for me, but for now, while I try to save shekels, I'll still be found at Wal*mart....

Sorry, Andy, however, here's something we can totally agree on; you have two beautiful daughters, whom I love very much!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

I have that same moral vs practical dilemma. It makes me mad that WM renders it darn near impossible to resist their prices in this economy. But listen to what I'm saying? Why shouldn't I be grateful for lower costs? That is what makes WM even more maddening because they force our hand against our better judgement. All the while WM execs sit in their golden offices and cackle their evil Joker laugh inflicting whatever injustices they want cuz we are at their economical mercy. Imperialism personified.

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