
Terrible Tuesday

"The world of hurt" woman came in...she lives on $400 a month; she's desperate.

DP - age 58 - moved to St George to help his drug-addicted daughter.  He gave up a beloved coaching job to do this for his daughter.  She is doing much better, but he is desperate for a job.  He can't find anything.  At age 58, where do you look for a coaching job in Southern Utah?

N came in; she just left a polygamist sect and needs help to enter the real world.

B has been disowned by his parents after leaving his mission, getting a felony conviction, etc.  He needs help, but what to do?

We met M; a distinguished intelligent 40ish man who was fired from his lucrative job in Los Angeles.  His boss didn't want him telecommuting any more.  He wanted M to be available all hours.  M needs a job, but won't be able to make anything near what he was earning in LA or in his field.

All day long, I hear the stories; all day long, I want to weep.

I am in a world of hurt for so many people.....

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