
And It All Came Tumbling Back....

Rebecca dropped by yesterday.

We had met her on our mission.

She had needed a job badly.  RAH worked and worked with her.

And, she finally got a JOB!

She was indescribably excited.  50ish and single with very short spiky hair; her fun personality matched her hairstyle...funky, confident.  And, she was a skilled administrative assistant with years of experience.

She came over one Saturday shortly after getting her job.  Oh, she was ecstatic...she loved the environment, the bosses, the job.  She brought us a loaf of 9 grain bread to show her appreciation.  She was just DELIGHTED and happy about how things were working out for her.  She stayed and talked and was just so thrilled about it all.

And, now, three months later, she called to say she just wanted to stop by and see how our trip had been.

It was fun to see her, her funky hair, her delightful personality.

BUT, she had LOST her job.

As she explained the details, everything about our mission came swirling back to me....

the stories,
the sorrows,
the heartaches,
the disappointments,
the expectations gone awry.

The knots in my stomach grew as she sat and described the injustice, the lies, the unfair treatment....etc., etc., etc.

I sat listening - it was deja vu - hearing the stories that we had heard so often for one year.

My heart was so sad for Rebecca; she deserved better.

But, she was optimistic, she had had a confirmation that all would work out.  Her optimism buoyed me up for her.

She left, and I stood stunned.

And amazed; had I REALLY listened to THESE sorrowful tales for one year?

Again, I was humbled; so grateful for the opportunity to have served, to have met marvelous, good people like Rebecca.

But, in my heart of hearts, I also felt a sense of relief.  I just take them all too personally.  I can't just walk away...the stories linger in my head and heart for days.  I realized that I was grateful to now be working on other projects, other things to consume my life.

(As an interesting side note: Brother Larkin called today; he wanted to tell me that MC had FINALLY got a job in St George.  He had contacted the LDS Employment Center in June, and now, he had a job.)

Happy for him, sad for Rebecca.

And, grateful, once again. for RAHs job of 32 years!

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