

...against the pricks.

It's a term from the Bible meaning to resist authority.

I find myself KATP a lot lately, and I wish I could understand why...


I have much to be grateful for, and I am.

So, note to self.....

Just quit KATPs!

1 comment:

Ann & H.Dee said...


I remember sitting as a teen in a Sunday School lesson given by Elmer Green in the Layton 2nd Ward. (about 1955) He gave an explanation of exactly that that phrase means in practical terms. I have not been able to find another description like this, so please take it as just one explanation.

In the "control" of donkeys - and perhaps other animals,too - I don't know that - if they were prone to kick, they would be put into a stall in which the back part had sharpened sticks driven into the the floor at just the right angle, so that every time the animal kicked, the "Pricks" would hurt his hind feet and legs. This was their way of curing that particular behavior.

I don't know......except to say that KATP behavior certainly reminds me, every time I try it, that I should know better!

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