
Picture From the Past - WAY Past

While working on a calendar project for our family, I happened across this picture...made me smile...

Ah YOUTH, where have you gone?

This was taken about three months after we were married; it's the Christmas Dance at Idaho State University....December 1964.

My mother made the beautiful dress - (I wonder what ever happened to it?)

Allen didn't really want to go, but I thought we should; I didn't want to be old marrieds after only four months for heaven's sake!

Those were the days...


(Side note:  Allen still uses those glasses on occasion - I just bought a pair that look exactly like his, and my hair is exactly the same - except lots thinner - as it was all those years ago..now all these facts are quite scary: same hair - same glasses...but, unfortunately much different weight!)

1 comment:

Lauralee said...

This is exactly how I remember you both from back in the day. I haven't changed a bit, looks like you haven't either! xo

OH, Those Wonderful Grandkids....