
Reading Out Loud

Stunned and Shocked...

That is what I felt when 12 year old LK told me that NO ONE had ever read to her before, until I did one afternoon.

How is that possible?

Surely her parents must have read to her at bedtime as a child.

I cannot begin to fathom a twelve-year who has NEVER HAD SOMEONE READ ALOUD TO THEM!

It's beyond comprehension...truly.

Why, I even read to my 7th grade students in middle school!

The sweetest words in all the school day (besides school is over!) were these.....

"Mrs. H, come on, read just ONE more chapter," 


"You can't quit RIGHT THERE!" 


"Just read until we see what happens next."

Even those pseudo/sophisticated 13 year olds loved to be read to each day if the book was engaging.

Indeed, I feel sad for LK if what she says is true.

Reading aloud to a child is truly one of the greatest blessings and privileges of being a parent or grandparent or aunt or uncle or cousin.

To see their wonder, hear their laughter, watch their wide-eyed faces.

There is absolutely nothing like it in the world.

Oh, LK, you must just be sure that you read aloud every day to your child to make up for what you missed out on.

And, if you need any good book suggestions, I have a very long list of perfect books waiting for a child to listen to.

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