
So, What Have YOU Been Doing ....

 ...over the Covid 19 Pandemic?

Zentangle cards

Embroidery - I made tea towels for three people, Loretta, Jenni, and Gigi and her daughter.

Art work  - so fun, not nearly as good as my mentor.    But, I try, and it's so fun and relaxing.

I made a couple of baby hats for nieces.    They are so cute, and they work up so fast.

This is a couple of days before Christmas, and shows the many projects I was working on.

This is one of my favorite patterns.  I think it is so lovely.


A scarf for Amy.

Another baby cap.

Lots of dish cloths to give away.

And, that's what I've been doing, and it's been so FUN!

Also, I have been studying the Book of Mormon!  Another great thing.


It Seems Impossible to Believe....

 ...but, I have actually climbed these stairs;

It was hot, it was hard, but what a triumph at the top!


COVID and Politics

 This has been an incredibly contentious year, on so many levels.

I'm so relieved that the election is over.  

But, something that happened this year, which is so very sad, is that this horrific virus became a political issue.  

Shouldn't a terrible, fast-spreading disease become a concern for everyone, without it resorting to resisting to having to wear a mask?  

I do not understand people, like my neighbors, who say it is a hoax, it's communism, it's taking away our freedom, and on and on.

It is common courtesy; it's caring about our neighbors, friends, and family.  

And, it is all VERY SAD. One quarter of a million people in America have lost their lives to this wretched virus.  That's 250,000 REAL PEOPLE.  Not Just NUMBERS, but people with children, grandchildren, parents, jobs, lives to live.

In this one issue, it would seem that Republicans and Democrats should be able to come together.  


I love America, but sometimes the events going on make me sorrowful.


Dear Modern Day Author

 ...you say you have a great story to tell.

You have some interesting unusual characters.

Your plot is intriguing and will be adored by many......


Because, you see, your language is not something I will ever get used to.

I grew up in a home where I never heard any swearing; well, maybe once from my angry mother's sweet voice.  But, it was so incredibly rare as to be nonexistent.  My friends and associates didn't swear; it was so unfathomable.

Enter the world of fiction.  In the early days of my reading, I rarely encountered swearing or taking the name of the Lord in vain, so I was not prepared for the onslaught of bad language that has occurred in the last few years.

And, the thing is, it's so completely unnecessary.  Dickens wrote popular long volumes, no swearing; Dumas wrote a great story, no swearing; Anthony Trollope, whom I just recently discovered, wrote LONG, TOO LONG books, but nary a bad word.  The characters and the plot line are intriguing, but there is nothing offensive in these classic works.

So, I know it can be done.  It's been done for many years in the past.

WHY do you feel you need that kind of language?  Oh, I know.  Your vocabulary is stinted and you can't figure out any way for the character to express his emotions other than in swearing.  That's it; YOU are not clever enough to find the words to deal with an uncomfortable situation, so you resort to bad language.  Or you write gruesome scenes that aren't necessary.  Some of Dickens' books have murders, but they are not written in elaborate gory details.

 I know I am in the vast minority, but I'll be glad to let your books go to others, and I'll stick to books that fit my parameters.  

(Absolutely great book - it will last longer than anything your write - AND it is devoid of bad language.)


Family Fun In a Time of Covid



We haven't seen this family since February.  You mean they live in New York, California, Texas, and it's so far away.  

No, I mean they live in PROVO, UTAH, but Covid has kept us apart and trying to be safe. 

 It's so fun when we can have fun and enjoy family.  Which we did.  

Thanks to our daughter and her husband for letting them stay in their home.  Keeping us at a safe distance in the night when we were all fast asleep.  RIGHT?!?!?!


Inspiring New Friends

 Camping Trip; Fish Lake Utah; end of Augustish.....

I was in the trailer getting ready for the morning, when RAH came over and said I needed to come meet some people he had just started talking to.

Meet Barry and Janet Reese from Elsinore, Utah.

We had a very pleasant visit and enjoyed their company so much.  RAH got Janet's email address; no phone numbers.  And they packed up and left.

When we got home a few days later, RAH sent her an email, but it came back!  WRONG address.

We were so disappointed because we had so enjoyed them.  They were bright, funny, interesting, etc. so to lose contact with them was a disappointment.

Last night, just as we sat down to watch a tv documentary about the Roosevelt family, came a knock at the door.  The sun was shining right in my face as a familiar voice said, "You don't even know who we are, do you?"  I really didn't.  Until I asked them to come in, so I could see them.  

There were Barry and Janet.  Their grandson had helped them find our address.  They have a lovely condo here in St George and were here for a few days.  We talked for quite awhile, and decided to meet for lunch.

After our lunch, as we sat talking, Barry went to the men's room.  A group of six missionaries came in the restaurant.  Janet said, "I'll bet Barry buys their lunch!"  And, indeed, he did.  When he came out of the restroom, he walked over to them and bought their lunch.  Someone might do that for a pair of missionaries, but for 6!  

It was so inspiring to me.  I loved it and our newly - made friends!

Barry is a convert to the church.  He pays for the missionaries whenever gets a chance.

People are so VERY GOOD and wonderful.  Hooray for good people in the world!



 Such an idyllic little spot in the road.

That's Pinto, even though the memorial plaque says it was once the cultural center of activity.

It doesn't look like that now, but it is quiet, lovely and pleasant to visit with friends.


Question of the Week; Unanswerable

 I'm wondering...

Are some people just born with bad luck?

Whether from bad decisions and choices, or choices of others, or nothing related to what they have done, or whatever.  It just seems that some people have harder lives than others.  More sorrow.

What I'm talking about doesn't always or necessarily relate to the Gospel - it relates to THEM and their personal lives.  

Take DB; her life is a sorrow filled life over and over again.  She has had some very difficult and trying things happen to her.  Sometimes her heartaches are so heavy and burdensome.  I never know how to help her, but I want to.  DB is a good, good person; she is kind, thoughtful, giving, hard-working, generous, etc.

On the total other spectrum is KMA.  Her life is the opposite of what I have described above.  Her life is fulfilling, happy, great family, great marriage, great kids, JOYFUL.  If she has challenges, she bounces right through them.  But, in reality, she doesn't have great challenges like DB.

So, it makes me wonder; are some people - right from the beginning - set up for more sorrow, more hardship, more suffering than others?

And, HOW, other than fervent prayer can we really HELP?  I listen, I ache, I hurt, I sorrow, and I try to turn it over to My Saviour.  

I love the scripture in Revelation and yearn for it to come to pass; no more sorrow, no more tears.

That is my wish for all, especially the ones with many sorrows in their lives.


Good Times!

 It's been a strange 2020.....

We've had to stay inside for two reasons:

COVID-19, a horrible and highly contagious disease. 


THE HEAT..... there were about 80 days in a row of triple digit temperatures.  That's brutal.

So, it was great to go on a get-away with Mike and Loretta for a few days...great conversation, food, and FUN playing RummiKub, and a little bit of crochet.  Didn't get any zentangle in on this trip..next time.

We did, indeed have a great time and I'm so thankful for good friends and time to enjoy the great outdoors..




Updated DNA ethnicity results.

And, HOLY COW!  

I'm mostly SCOTTISH.  oh, wow; news to me....

And, a little bit Norwegian and Swedish?  No wonder I'm so white-skinned.  HA HA.

Very interesting.

Or, as RAH says; "If this is RIGHT!"


With No Regrets

 Recently we were talking with our missionary grandson, which is allowed now apparently.  His mission will be over on Dec 29....it's getting closer, for sure.

RAH asked him if he is getting trunky.  He said he is a little, yes.  I asked him if he wanted to go home before Christmas.  He said that would be fine, but won't ask.  And then he said something that just thrilled this grandmother's heart:

"I want to leave with NO REGRETS!  I want to work hard right up to the time I leave!"

I was so very proud of him.  For a variety of reasons, he is making us proud...but this attitude was so thrilling and significant.  

So, Elder Hackworth, keep working hard, and you will ALWAYS be grateful for these words!



 ...makes me angry, frustrated, annoyed, sad.

And, it also makes me wonder how ungrateful I must have been as a child, teen, young adult.

I'm very frustrated right now with some family members.  I'd like to shake their little fannies, and spank their little bottoms, and give them a resounding lecture.

But, I'll curb my annoyance and frustration; wait for a more opportune moment, and hope I can find a teaching moment to help them see how important GRATITUDE is.

So, let me just say right now how GRATEFUL I am for the many blessings that I have.



 they next name is Zentangle.

Both Kristi and Loretta do it; they are both masters.

So, I decided to try it to get away from Amerigurumi.  Wrong decision.

I can't do it either!!!!

I see such glaring errors in all of these.

Why do I even do it?

Just keep working on it, I guess.  

In ten years, maybe I'll be 1/2 as good as Loretta because that's how long she has been doing it.

If at first, you don't succeed, try, try again!



 Thy name is AMERIGURUMI....

Oh, it looked adorable.

Looked so cute when Andrew, my NEPHEW showed me one on face time.  It looked so lovely when Linda showed me the ones she made for her grandchildren.

Well, I said to myself: I could do THAT!

So very WrOnG! 

I could NOT do it!  At least, not every well.  And, I will NEVER


do it again.  EVER.

No matter how darling the great grandchildren are!

I took out so many stitches, I redid the arms and legs so many times, and they STILL did not look the same as each other.  And, the finished product didn't ever look like the picture on the box.  Someone should have warned me; "Loni, you won't be able to do this.  Don't even try." 
No one said a word to me.  Some friends, I've got!

I'm done!

Good-bye Frustration!


A Bad Influence

 You'd think at our age, we would be past peer pressure.

Not so.

Our neighbor, Don Sjogren, has been a bad influence on RAH.  

An expensive bad influence.

This is Don standing in ONE of his six storage sheds.  Plus, he has a HUGE garage at his home.

He BUYS stuff.  Lots of stuff.  MANLY stuff.  And TOOLS.  Lots of tools.

That's where the bad influence comes in.  RAH sees those tools.  And he NEEDS those tools.  WE've lived fine without them for over 50 years, but now, we absolutely NEED them.  IMMEDIATELY!

The expensive brand kind.

So, we are becoming the owner of NEW, MUCH-NEEDED tools.

Lucky us.

Who knew that Peer Pressure could still be strong at almost 80 years of age?


The Summer of the Phone Calls

 Morning, afternoons, evenings.

There would be a FaceTime call from Amy's phone.

Only it wasn't Amy at all.

It was our dear sweet six-year-old grandson, Calder.  He would call often.  I loved it.  

He would tell me about a new toy.  Show me what he had just made.  Show me his pajamas.

I looked forward to those calls.

But, alas, school has started and the calls have ended.  He probably will never make those calls on a regular basis ever again; too grown up; but oh, they were delicious when they happened in the Summer of 2020!


A Sight to Make Me Happy


It has been since MARCH that I've seen this sight.

The bus and kids getting on the bus totally made my heart so very happy and joyful.

I know that times are very scary right now, but this is so important.  Getting back to NORMAL!

Letting kids play and enjoy each other.  Having them learn in a classroom setting.  

So, I was thrilled, even though I don't have kids here.  But, I do have grandkids in schools and hope they can go back to just being a normal kid again.


A Keeper of Secrets


Last week, our neighbors told us something personal.  They asked us not to tell anyone.

We won't.  
Today I went to minister to my sisters.  (Comp is out of town.)  

I asked LA how she was doing during Covid.  She told me something in confidence that was so hard to hear about.  I promised her I won't tell anyone.

Next was DC; she had just had a very difficult thing happen in her life moments before; 
my heart hurt for her and those involved.

Earlier in the month, GK, told me about some situations in her family.  
It's not my place to tell anyone about what is happening.

I CAN keep a secret.  And, I WILL.

But, I'm so very sorry for the pain people face in their lives as they carry these burdens with them.


An Inspiring Letter From a Missionary Grandson...

Week 82

Hello friends and family. It has been a while since hearing from a lot of you. I hope that everyone is healthy and safe. Many have wondered what missionary work entails now since everyone seems to associate it with going from door to door. In Salt Lake City, Utah however that has never really been how things get done. 

The objective of a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has always been to invite others to come into Christ through faith in Jesus Christ and and His atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. 

The key word is "invite". We aren't out to argue with people, or to put down other religions, on the contrary we have great respect for loyal members of other faiths. What we are looking for are those that are also looking for us, although they may not realize it. The process of finding these people varies all over the world and is especially different now as we figure out how to magnify the amazing capabilities of the internet. Either way, it always begins with the belief and faith that God is preparing the hearts of specific individuals and that he will guide us to them as we put forth our best efforts in finding them. These are usually people that are ready to make changes in their lives, who know that they are missing something, who are sad, lonely, or have began to lose hope.

Before this process was usually done as a last resort by talking to people that we happen upon outside or visiting specific people that had been taught previously in the area. Ideally though, the best way to locate someone who was ready to listen was through friends and social connections with members in our ward. 

Now we are still learning and working out kinks but ultimately finding ways to harness the power of the internet as we are connected with people around the entire world. A lot of it is just picking up but we have been focusing and growing Facebook pages and then in turn when the pages are big enough, using our advertising budget that we have been given to run ads that target people in specific areas and that don't already have any online associations with the Church. This has been a fun process of brainstorming creative uplifting ideas for advertisements and videos.

After we find these people, it is pretty standard from there. We get to know them and try to better understand their situations so that we can better relate the gospel to their lives and show them how it can help them. There are 5 basic missionary lessons that go over God's plan for us on earth and after, what the scriptures are and how they help us, who Jesus Christ is, what His Atonement, gospel, and church are. As we teach, the kost important thing that we do is invite them to act. Often times the invitations are to read specific stories in the scriptures that we feel will relate well to them, and to pray and learn to develop a constant dialogue and personal relationship with God.

Currently we teach these through video lessons and occasionally phone calls. While I look forward to the moment that we will be able to meet in people's houses again, it really is all the same process. 

Different parts of the world and different cultures have different levels of success. I'm super thankful to have been called to the Utah Salt Lake City West mission to preach in the Spanish Language, where 50% of the city speaks Spanish and 25% have just barely arrived from different countries all over Latin America. I have learned so much. I have witnessed miracles. 

I hope to hear from all of you guys and that you have a great week!

Elder Hackworth

This letter made a grandma's heart very happy, PLUS there were pictures!  I just love to see him so happy!

OH, my heart can't contain the love I have for this wonderful young man!  


A Visit from a Grandson....

 ....under strange circumstances, that's for sure.

Oscar called and asked if he could come stay with us along with his two friends, as they went on a grand adventure for their Senior trip.

RAH was very nervous, but agreed they could come if they stayed in one part of the house; we stayed in our end, and we didn't eat meals together.  I didn't particularly like all that, but that's how it had to be in covid times.

So, late one night, here came Oscar, Chris, and Eli.  What great young men they are.  They had all graduated and are planning to go to college in the fall in the field of engineering.  It was BRIEF, but it was so great to have them here with us.  

Oscar, Chris, Eli - future engineers


And, the Covid Fight Rages ON!

Returning to school right now is such a big issue.  

Many people want the kids back in school; teachers are reluctant, kids are eager to get back.  

It's all very unsettling and intense, for sure.  I don't know how I would feel if I had children.  

What an incredible time in history right now.


I Just Don't Get It!

Because of COVID 19, I don't do my usual Sunday visits, or visits hardly at all, for that matter.  I miss those visits .

But, yesterday, I went to see Gigi and Jim.  I had asked Gigi previously if she would wear a mask, and she reluctantly agreed, saying, "If it makes you feel safer, I will."

She didn't.

When I walked in, her husband Jim said, "So, you're one of those that believe in masks, eh?"

Both of these wonderful people are in their 80's.  Jim recently had a serious fall while he was walking around the neighborhood.  He is suffering from Dementia, which is getting worse.  Gigi is very stressed about the situation with her husband and other things going on in her life.

BUT, why don't they believe this is real?  Gigi thinks it's a hoax, a conspiracy, not real.  She has some of the most radical religious beliefs I've ever heard.  I told her that we had been asked by the regional authorities to wear masks, but she just shrugs it off, but she is very committed to the Gospel and what we are asked to do.  She went to church yesterday where EVERYONE is required to wear a mask.


Health care workers over and over say wearing a mask could reduce the contagion so much, but it's like she just doesn't believe it or thinks God will save her.  

For Gigi and Jim, they go about their normal lives.  

I stay home.  I"m not fearful, just cautious.

Well, this too, shall pass.


What's In a Marriage?

Genetic traits for children, that's what!

And, whoever thinks to ask those kinds of questions when you are dating?!?!

"Is there any history of diabetes, cancer, arthritis, alcoholism, mental illness, shaky leg syndrome, tintinitis, dry eye syndrome, rough skin, knobby knees, vision problems, white skin that is more likely to burn than tan, or heaven forbid; cervical dystonia?"

Yesterday I had to see a specialist.  The very first thing she said to me, after hello, was, "How long have you had that shaky head?"

"A long time.  My mother had it, my grandmother had it."

"Yes," she countered.  "It's definitely an hereditary issue.  And, nothing to be done about, except do these exercises."

So, have I doomed my daughters to cervical dystonia?  (It apparently hits many more women than men!)

Would I have given birth to the two most wonderful women on the planet if I had known they were likely to get a shaky head?  Well, of course I would have.  It's a silly question, but it does make me wonder if it would good to know these things in advance, or just let them naturally come in the course of time.

"Hey, sweetie," I say to my ten year old daughter.  "Enjoy this time with your head holding still because in time, it's going to shake."

"Hey, Luther," I say to my 25 year old son dating Hidegard, "check out her mother's neck as you are talking to her.  If it is shaking, you have doomed your future daughters to head shaking also."

The truth is there are so many of these illnesses and conditions lying about in the genes, that none of us could ever marry if we looked into our inherited DNA.

So, dear daughters, just know that you might start shaking in the future, so just enjoy your youth now because someday a little Primary kid might just ask you, "Sister Hackworth, why does your head shake so much?"

Ah, darling, it's all in the DNA!


Grandkid Time Again

Must be the day for BLUE!

Our son, the photographer, took these photos of his kindergarten graduate and the high school graduate from next door.  Despite their vast age difference, these two are good buddies!  And, have been for about six years.  Love them both!

Oscar is heading off to college, so he got his first car.

Man, did I give him a lot of advice;

Keep it clean, keep the trunk clean, don't throw papers and stuff all over the back seat, keep the gas above half.  Be sure to always carry a flashlight in the car.  I haven't told him this yet, but I will.  And that is; keep some money hidden in the trunk or glove box for emergencies.

I should have followed my own advice over the years, but it's all good advice.

I love grandkids.


A Neighborhood

Many years ago, we lived next door to Glen and his wonderful family.  He had been raised in California as an only child.  When his parents were ready to move, after living in the same home for 25 years, they did NOT KNOW ONE NEIGHBOR.  They had no one to help them move.

Glen - in Idaho - got the name of the local bishop and called him, and of course, the people from the ward showed up to help Glen Sr. move.

I was thinking about that this morning after two events happened before 9:30 a.m.  

At 6:32, I got a text from Peggy, who lives around the corner, but is visiting in Idaho.  Her father had fallen while on his walk around the neighborhood.  Would I go over to see if her mother was doing okay and if her father was okay?  When I arrived about ten minutes later, Todd (bishopric member who found him bleeding on the sidewalk) was there with his wife, and Natalie, a nurse, who had happened to drive by.  She was checking his vitals, his medications, etc.  She thought he was fine, but encouraged him to go to the ER to be checked out.  

I came home, as there was nothing at that point that I could do, but will check back later.

Donna, a neighbor across the street, called me to check on him, and said she would go over later, as well.

Then, I had an appointment at the orthodontist.  I locked myself out of the car, but could not get RAH on his cell phone.  I called Mike and asked if he would go over and ask Allen to call me, which he did and I got taken care of.

Living in a neighborhood like I do is such a blessing.  People just help, and are so happy to do so.

Racheal is having serious cancer treatments, so every two weeks, the RS president sends an email where we can sign up to take meals to the family.  The list of dinner meals fills up so very quickly.....it's just so inspiring.  

We had a new guy move in, and I hardly know him, but I hope that is due more to Covid than to my own indifference.

Post script; later in the day, I went to visit Elaine, who had just gotten out of the hospital.  Tammy was there and Kim had also been there.  Just so many good and thoughtful neighbors in the hood.

I feel so very grateful the neighborhood that we live in.  It is such a blessing!


Covid Coverings

Head gear to stay healthy during Covid 2020.

This picture makes me smile even though it's a very serious event that causes her to wear this.


Why Doing Family History...

...is not always that fun!

This picture greeted me early this morning as I logged into family search.

YIKES....literally scared me to death.

Thankfully, she's not in my DIRECT line.


A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...