

Being a mother never stops. No matter how old a mother's child, is, she suffers when the child suffers. Kristi has a very, very, very challenging internship. When she called last night and told us about an incident that occurred during her shift at the VA hospital, I was very upset. Today, as I was driving to a session at the temple - at the temple! I was so angry at the nurse. (It's ironic because I'm always telling my kids who are docs to treat the nurses really well, as nurses often do the grunt work that docs pass on to them!) So, driving to the temple, I was very angry! I wanted to retaliate - "how dare that nurse do that to my daughter!!!" I would write a letter, I would...blah, blah, blah. But, even more than that, was the tender feeling I had towards dear Kristi. My heart ached for her, my soul yearned to be there to say "It's okay...the nurse is a jerk...you are the noble one here!" I am so very proud of Kristi, so proud of her charitable desires, so proud of her giving up a really good job to do something so incredibly demanding, difficult & degrading sometimes because of the unbelievable treatment of interns, and yet, she is doing it. Oh, how I love that girl for what she is going through, and that is why I was so upset when a nurse just sat playing on the computer when she was needed. Kristi stays late, she cares about her patients, she is a good doc...she has had patients ask her if she will be their personal physician, she works harder, she gives, gives, gives. So, to hear that a nurse - sitting at the computer - totally ignored Kristi's (who had been at work since six in the morning!) supplication for help with one of the nurse's very own patients, made my blood boil. "As soon as Kristi is done, oh, what a letter I will write to that horrid place!" The anger I felt was in my heart as I sat in the chapel and started reading in the Doctrine and Covenants where I had left off last night. Suddenly, this scripture literally flew off the page at me: Keep my commandments; hold your peace; appeal unto my Spirit.....

Wow, how did that book know what was in my heart????? Okay, that humbled me and put me back on the right track. But, it doesn't stop me from bearing the burden carried by each of our children. I love them all with a love that is amazing and understood totally by mothers the world over!

Here's a picture of Kristi (with dear Janna) at graduation looking very happy because she doesn't realize what is lurking ahead.


kelli said...

That is to bad. I hope you don't think all nurses are like that. There a great nurses and Doctors. Just remember for every bad nurse and doctor there at least a couple good nurses and doctors. I bet Kristy is a great Doctor. I am sorry she is having a bad experience. It is to bad that people treat interns so bad!

kelli said...

P.S. Thanks for telling your kids to be nice to nurses. I tell Chad the same thing. I think the anesthesiologists that I work for are very nice, I bet your kids are just as nice!!!

Mrs. Olsen said...

Kristi's heart has always been bigger than Fat Albert's britches. After hearing intern stories (mostly of the horrid hours they work) I've decided I never want one to work on me, b/c they are probably sleep deprived. Of course, I would make an exception with this one....

and thank you for sharing your heavenly insight. I love it when you open up and you get slapped in the face with an answer like that.

You are a good mama bear Loni. Sorry to hear K is going through rough times...

Martha said...

Kristi is my HERO!!!! The only good thing about the intern year is that it ENDS!! You are a wonderful and supportive Mom & your "docs" can feel youe love for them. I hope she is going to a different/better place for the residency. As a nutritionist, I'm sure she is doing her best to maintain health & stamina! Our prayers are with her.

KRose said...

WOW mom! It is 3:00 in the morning and I am at work trying to stay awake, so I thought I'd catch up on my blog reading. I'm sitting at the nurses station, on the computer...ha ha - turn about - with tears in my eyes. This was beautiful and I thank you. But mom, don't worry about me, I'm ok and life is good. It's hard, but hard things have big rewards. I love you and couldn't do this without your incredible love and support. Thank you my dear mother.

Best Family Ever!

  Latest Zoom call.  I love these great people.  Good, good GOOD.  How did I get so blessed?!?!?!