
Is CHANGE really Possible?

I'm thinking today of change. My brother wrote a column about change, and we have a change of administration, there's just change in the air. Can people really CHANGE? I find it disgusting/amusing that every politician goes to Washington with the phrase, "I'm not going to be part of the establishment I'll change things in DC." But, they all are alike...lots and lots of pork barrel spending. It is abysmal.

But, politics is not what this post is about at all.

It's about a person wanting to CHANGE his own life....like going on a diet. I'm trying to lose some weight - I know, so is everyone in America.

And, that is what is so scary. Lots of people DO lose weight, but most of them gain it back. In my neighborhood, just in the past year, I can think of two women who lost quite a bit of weight, but on Sunday, as I looked at both of them...they were right back where they were a year ago. In fact, one looks even bigger than before. I know a man who had surgery; he looked great, but now he's big again. (I'm definitely not trying to be judgmental; it is an observation made because I really want to lose weight and want to win that battle!)

So, my question is, can we really CHANGE how we got big in the first place? It is obviously the result of some very bad eating habits. In the weight arena, we work on a specific diet, and when the goal is achieved, we resort to eating like we did before. At least, that is MY experience. I've lost weight a couple of times, get feeling comfortable and go right back to my snacking habits...okay, the truth is out - I'm a snacker...big time!

I'm going to be realistic here. I'm not trying for a huge loss, but just so my pants don't cut off the circulation to my upper body and lower limbs.

Oh, there's one other factor that I think makes it very challenging to lose weight also...and that is genetics. I've often asked myself why I couldn't have been born in a family of skinny people? But, that was not my destiny, even though all our five kids are just right skinny. On my mother's side - BIG people. On my father's side - BIG people...so, what chance have I got? I can just hear Kristi saying, "WORK OUT!" Okay, I'll do that too. Change my eating, work out smarter and harder. Here we go - change forever!

(Saying all this in an open forum certainly makes it a little more likely to happen even if no one ever reads this!)

1 comment:

DH said...

OK now just how much weight do you want to lose? I think you look fine. I once had a friend and we would weigh every day together just to challenge each other. I think it worked for a while, but I am heaver now than I have ever been, and I just keep eating. Shall we weigh together and see who can lose the most?

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