
New Years Resolutions or Bah! Humbug!

So, how did I fare from last year's resolutions? Fair to middling...(What in the heck does that even mean?)

I set a goal to take 20 family names to the temple....I achieved that goal. The bishop challenged us to read the Book of Mormon every single day. I read scriptures 360 or 361 days...I missed about 4 or five days...I think it's four, but to be safe, I'll say five. Oh, I was sad indeed when I missed reading the scriptures for the first time in March! I fell asleep on the couch, and that was pretty early on in the year to miss. I don't recall why I missed the other days. But, to achieve this goal, I read the scriptures LOTS of days on my trusty little Blackberry cell phone. That made it very convenient as we were doing lots of traveling, and a Book of Mormon was not always handy. I love the Book of Mormon. It's amazing to me how I'm always reading scriptures and saying, "was that there before?" But, of course it was because usually I already have it underlined!

So, what's for this year?

Read the Doctrine and Covenants.

And, here's the tough one: you think I'm going to say lose weight. Well, that's just a given for all of us - right?!?!?

No, this one is a very challenging one for me...it is to NOT WASTE FOOD. Now, let me just say that I believe in food storage. But, I often am not good at using what I buy. I just threw some stuff away today....long past expiration date. So, here's what I will try to do: eat my food storage and eat what I buy! (Waste not, want not as the good folk say!)

Very noble goal. Now, just go and do it!

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