
Conference Sunday

What's not to love about Conference Sunday?

Incredible messages...inspiring music.

And, did you hear Jeffrey R. Holland's phenomenal talk? Truly amazing.

Here's the irony of conference weekend for me:

I'm reading a book about Bernie Madoff (on the Kindle, of course); he was a liar; a cheat; totally amoral. He stole from his family, best friends, Jewish charities, European heads of states, other charities, famous people - including the Holocaust survivor, Elie Weasel.

Bernie Madoff was - in a word - absolutely unbelievable. One of the men quoted in the book says that Madoff posed a greater threat than drug cartels and mobsters.

So, I had been reading this book about Madoff and then it was conference.

What an amazing contrast; from the absolute worst of men to the absolute best of men. From the lowest degradation to the most inspiring heights possible.

I eagerly anticipate the November Ensign where I can read the messages and be reminded that there are truly great, inspired, honest men leading us!

I'm glad to be a part of that kingdom, and I look forward to being inspired all over again.

1 comment:

Mrs. Olsen said...

I loved Holland's talk too! ...and also Elder Bednar's talk.

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