
Volunteering at the Family History Center

This describes the people who come in to the Family History Center...but it doesn't really explain why I enjoy it so much...but I do!
Tip Number One : If you double click on the picture, you will see it in a larger window, and you will be able to read it much better.
Tip Number two: Create your own wordle here:


Lauralee said...

This poster is awesome! Did you create it? Very clever indeed.

LGH said...

Lauralee, you can create them at wordle.net. You just type in a bunch of words and you can change fonts, colors, orientation, etc. IT is pretty cool.

Inklings said...

Hi, I came over to your blog from my aunt's blog. I'm Digital Grannie's niece. I just want to tell you this is a really nice and interesting blog.

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