
Step Aside Rice Krispies!

Snap! Crackle! Pop!
That description doesn't just fit Rice Krispies....how about God's own food?
The lovely red pomegranate....
Tasty wasty...
Try it in Yogurt (not that good, really)
Put it in a fruit salad (really very good)
It's mighty delectable in cole slaw (thanks, Ellen, for that tip!)
Make juice (thanks, RAH, when you do that!)
Make jellly like my friend Dot does....too much work for me, however.

Or, just plop a handful in your mouth for a really fine SNAP, CRACKLE, POP!

NOTE: All this works best if you can get the spouse to do all the work of getting those tricky little seeds out of the hard shell.

However you get the seeds out and whatever you do with them, they are a mighty fine, tasty fall treat!

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