
Les Elegant

Who wouldn't just love this striking room as your living room?

It's so tastefully decorated. Don't you just love how it's simple, yet elegant?!?!?!?

It is always clean and neat (as is the rest of the home).

Yet, three rambunctious, happy, playful BOYS and a very lively puppy/dog live in this beautiful home.

How does she do it?

Her boys play with toys, her boys run and wrestle, her boys have friends over, her boys are typical fun-loving boys. She doesn't forbid them from playing in this lovely home, but she has trained them to put things away.

There are places for everything, and it's all tidy and organized and neat.

Yep, it's for real!


Ms. Fish said...

That's all new since we were there. I'm really trying not to feel guilty here. For even more dramatic comparison of how well she has trained her kids, come put a picture of my boy's bedroom on your blog. haha

Mrs. Olsen said...

Argh. Now I have blogging guilt.


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