
Overwhelmed with Gratitude

11:30 "Here's some enchiladas my father made," she said handing us the dish with fresh home-made Mexican food.
12:30 "Here's some really good hamburger meat that we can't eat because our freezer is full...why don't you take these 3 packages?" they asked as I drove by and waved.
4:30 "Here's a little Halloween token because you've been so good to us," said the new neighbor handing me a box of Mrs. See's chocolates.

Not every Saturday is like this, in fact, NO Saturday is like this, but my heart was full of gratitude for good, good neighbors.

Goodness and thoughtfulness and generosity transcend religion, race, and creed.

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It's so HARD....

 for me to go to church and be filled with the spirit and come home and see something that my kids or grandkids have posted on social media....