
2 Sides of the American Dream

The line literally snaked around for several blocks...I had never seen anything like it...it was an incredibly long, long line.....

and we all wondered what could it be.....

tickets for a rock concert?
tryouts for american idol?

nyet! The line was for people who were losing the battle against their banks to retain their homes. They were ALL in danger of foreclosure. The line formed around the Miami Convention Center, but people had come from New York, California, Alabama, all over.

We talked to some of the people; their stories were compelling, passionate, and all boiled down to:
job losses, bad economy. Some had been living in the same home for over 20 years, but the banks refused to listen/modify their loans.

Oh, sad, sad, sad situations/stories.

Then we went on a boat ride to Miami Beach's Star Island - home of the uber rich and maybe famous.

What an incredible contrast; from the stories of foreclosure and barely hanging on to the scenes of indescribable wealth and consumption.

America; the land of contrasts.


Landinho said...

That is just a little sickening....

Lauralee said...

Sad to say that this scene is playing out all over America! North, South, East and West. Just too terrible for words.

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