
Taxi Ride; a new way

It's just like a taxi - taking you where you need/want to go.

Only this taxi takes you on the water in Ft. Lauderdale.

And, it's amazing to get around the city using the water taxi, learning about the millionaire homes on the water, and other sites in Ft. Lauderdale.

The trip is winding down, and it's been F*A*B*U*L*O*U*S..

I've learned so much about Florida, the Everglades, Ft. Lauderdale, Key West, Deseret Ranch, Bonnet House, etc.

Now, in all that positives, any negatives???????

Flat tire on the freeway, far away from anything,
FINAL NOTICE for car to be towed away,
Rain in the Bahamas,
Thinking the phone was lost,
Losing a pair of glasses....

but, mostly it's been a great, great time....one of my favorites.

Thanks, Allen, for putting together a great trip.


Lauralee said...

Everyone needs an "Allen" in their lives to put things together. So glad you have had a marvelous trip. And you'll no sooner be home than it will be time to "go" again. Ain't life grand!

Ms. Fish said...

Can't wait to hear the stories...
miss you...travel safe!

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