
Good-bye to the Sisters! We'll Miss You!

Meet Sister Hill and Sister Bassett

Both of these beautiful full-time missionaries are from Boise, Idaho.

Both are widows - Sister Basset - twice.

Both are hard-working, strong, and oh, so FUN!

Sister Hill - far left and Sister Bassett - far right show off the new aprons made for them by Sister Crown.

They have made a difference in the lives of the people they have helped through the Accelerated Job Search Program.  They have made a difference in the lives of the many, many people they have helped do resumes, find jobs, fill out applications, give comfort.

They have made a difference in MY life and the lives of the other missionaries serving at the Employment Center.

Both are always positive, optimistic, helpful.  Their smiles have made the coldest days seem warm.  They are true disciples and examples of the Saviour.

Oh, dear Sister Bassett and Sister Hill...


1 comment:

Ms. Fish said...

Cute aprons.

All those things can be said of YOU!

A Different Kind of Joy Today....

 Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym.  It really thrilled me.  I was so happy some Christian person i...