
The Evolution of Photography

How people and photography have changed over the years....

This is my great, great, great grandmother on my father's side.  She was born in 1814 and she's looking pretty STERN in this photo.  (If you think about it, it is remarkable that we even have a picture of this -no doubt- wonderful lady.)
Philinda Upson

This is my great grandmother on my mother's side...she was born in 1853  She has just a hint of turned up corners on her mouth.  (I wish I had her lovely name of Mariah)
Susan Mariah Simkins

Now for my marvelous mother...full smile.  She is smiling in every photo I can think of her - (I miss my dear wonderful mother...she was a good, good person.)
Dorothy Merrill Gee
And, finally, my granddaughter with her broad wide beautiful full on smile.  (She's married now, so the smile is even bigger!)
Janessa Fisher (Behunin)

Are the smiles representative of the fact that life is better, more pleasant, less demanding, or just the way photography has emerged?

Guess we'll never know.

I like it better now.

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