
All Bishops...

are not created equal.

We moved in our home on Sunday.

Tuesday night, there was a knock on the door and there stood three gentlemen; two in suits and ties, one in knee-length shorts and funky tee shirt.

The one in shorts was the Bishop.  He was also the Seminary teacher at one of the local high schools.

We immediately loved our bishopric.  They were energetic, fun, lovers of righteousness, etc.

Since then, we have had 2 other bishops, and they, too, visit new members IMMEDIATELY.  I mean, the truck isn't even unloaded when they drop by to visit.

On the other hand, our daughter moved to a new ward in July.

She has never met the bishop, and he has never visited her and her husband.

It is upsetting to me.

I guess my bishop just set the bar too high.

1 comment:

Lauralee said...

Yep, I do understand. When I moved to Utah I didn't have Home Teachers for over two years, even though I asked for them over and over. When the Bishop finally did come he didn't even seem to care who I was, and nothing has changed since then. There are only five people in my Ward who are over 50 years old so we kinda get lost in the mix. A huge difference from my Ward in Washington before.

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