
It's a Puzzle: a Question of Fairness

T, a relative of mine,  leads a perfect life; her life has always been one of happiness and things working out for her.

She had a happy childhood with good parents.  T married a wonderful, good man who had a fulfilling, lucrative career...they raised 4 marvelous children, who are in turn raising many wonderful children.  In her life, she has not had any major illnesses, no reversal of fortunes, business set-backs, etc.  There have been no unhappy situations with children or grandchildren.  They all continue to have good secure jobs, stay on the path, go to church, lead fulfilling lives and are happy, well-adjusted people all round.  She leads a Disney princess existence.

On the other had A, another relative, has had bad luck her entire life.  At a young age, she became involved in a business and it failed.  One of her loved ones died early in life of a debilitating illness.  She has had numerous serious, critical health issues.  Her financial situation, in spite of her hard work, is always precarious, at best.  Some of her children have caused her grief.  She has had much sorrow in her life.

I know these people quite well, so it is not a question of not seeing the entire picture; because I do see the whole picture, thank you very much.

Now, here's the thing:

Both T and A live the Gospel completely.  Both always have lived it.  Both continue to live the commandments and follow the principles.

BUT, and it's a huge BUT, their lives are so entirely different.

And, I'm puzzled by that.

It doesn't seem fair.

"Life isn't fair," people always say.  But, why should one person, living a good life, SUFFER so much grief and heartache, and another have so few sorrows?  (BY THE WAY, I would never wish sorrow on anyone, so I do not want that for T, but I want much less of it for A!)

It seems ludicrous to always say; "Oh, well, A will get her reward in heaven."

  I'm certainly glad for that.  But, you see, how about a reward NOW????  T is getting lots of rewards now and she will also get them in heaven.

It's something that I puzzle over.....because

I just don't get it...never have, never will.

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