
Home is Where the Heart Isn't.....Anymore!

In June of 1976, we were living out of town in a modest, but adequate home on a one-acre lot.  On a gorgeous Saturday morning, we drove to Pocatello, Idaho to help my parents move from their home in Pocatello, to Virginia.

As we sat on the front lawn eating our lunch, we heard the news: the TETON DAM had burst.  RAH didn't believe it!  How could a strong dam burst?

But, it was absolutely true.  Many people lost their entire homes on that June Saturday.  We lost our car and our yard and our basement.  By that, I mean the car was washed away and our yard - including 100 small trees RAH had planted as a border around our yard - and basement were destroyed by the mud and muck of the flood waters.

(This is all leading somewhere.)

The outcome of that event was that the state of Idaho bought our home as they were going to put a freeway right where our property was.

So, we needed to move.

We bought some property in a cul-de-sac in town.

And, RAH decided to build the home.  He hired a builder to frame it, and then he began the arduous task of wiring, sheet rocking, plumbing, painting, etc.  Every night after school, every weekend, every holiday, every minute he wasn't at his job, he was there - at that home WORKING, SWEATING, FIGURING OUT.

The home was quite large actually - 3 stories.  He had decided to put a rental in the basement.  That was genius!  For 25 years we rented to married college students.  For 25 years, he kept the rent low, affordable, and fair.  And for 25 years, we lived in the home that had his blood, sweat, and tears.

The home was a GREAT place to raise our five children.  They loved it, we loved it.

And, then we moved.  About a mile away.  To a brand new home.  (RAH had to finish that basement, however, so his building days weren't over quite yet!)

Yesterday, a neighbor emailed a picture of our beloved home on Steiner Ave.

It's changed - a LOT!  But, then, not so much.

Here is 241 Steiner Avenue in February of 2014....home of my heart and soul for many, many years.

At the time we sold this home, the entire neighborhood had changed; every home but two were now college rental  properties. When we sold this home, RAH made two apartments out of the upstairs.  The new owners then made one half of the garage their master bedroom since the master bedroom had previously been upstairs.  So, now four families can live in what was once a home for two families.  The HUGE back yard that was once large, lush green lawn is partly a parking lot.  CHANGE - it's always a com in' to a neighborhood near you.

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