
BORING or Maybe Not

She moved from Southern Utah about a year ago.

She also moved away from going to church.

According to Sue, she had some legitimate reasons for not going:

1.  She puts in 12 or more hours a day at an incredibly demanding job, and is with people constantly....she just needed some down time.

2. Sunday was truly her only day to unwind and be at home alone.

3.  She was worn out with church after serving in leadership capacities for many years.

4.  (Most unique of all!)  According to Sue, the speakers are BORING!

I'm still smiling at number 4 (not that I concur with any of her reasons and I think she is making a HUGE mistake, but this made me smile out loud.)

So, ever since our visit with Sue a couple of months ago in her city far away, I've been focused on the BORING speakers.  Ha Ha.

Two Sundays ago, we heard from a couple who just moved back into our ward.  Their talks left me speechless with emotions of gratitude, feeling the spirit, and the blessings of the temple.  I was in awe at their honesty and their persuasive testimonies.

No boredom there.

A returned missionary was powerful in his testimony of working with the people in Mexico; a going-out missionary spoke of her decision to serve.

Oh, sure, they are not orators, but they are humble and trying hard.

Sue is right; some speakers are boring, but maybe, just maybe, it's OUR job to sift through the words and FEEL the intent, the spirit of the message.  Perhaps we bear the larger burden of bringing something to the table too.

And, maybe when we do that,

it's not so BORING after all!

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