
The Word I Would Most Use to Describe Children....




From Friday late afternoon to Sunday late evening, our lives were filled with the sounds and sights of children.

Rambunctious, noisy, happy, ENERGETIC children.

First, Allen's niece and her three children came to spend the weekend.  There could not be three more well-behaved, beautiful, thoughtful children on the planet.  But, having said that, they were still CHILDREN...which means they were filled with an ENERGY that left me exhausted just listening to and watching them.

Kaycee, Cody, Chloe

Saturday afternoon, I went to a birthday for three-year old Skye ....that girl is athletic and fast and delightful.

Skye wanted BLUE frosting and she got it!  All over her face!

Jason with Eden; she's also energetic as she bounced back and forth on the couch.  Plus, look at those strong legs!

Sunday afternoon was filled with Primary; 8 noise, lively, delightful, ENERGETIC CTRs.

About the only time they are quiet; when they are coloring.  Ha Ha!

Elle and Bree are generally quiet in class.  It's good to have two quiet people amongst the six noisy boys!

Then immediately following church, we headed to Gardner's home where we were treated to a wonderful meal (I'm still stuffed!), and the delightful antics and showing-offs of his three wonderful children.
Aspen and Emma...they tumbled, the danced, they cartwheeled, they moved EVERY minute for three hours...

This is pretty funny because Grant didn't sit still for two minutes, except when he was kidding around to show us his meditation pose.  But even this was VERY short-lived!

They performed dances, stunts, music, gymnastics, and in general just kept running all around for three hours.  The sheer energy of those three children left me exhausted and I fell into bed into a deep sleep.


I want some.  I need some.  I jealously desire that kind of unending exuberance and energy.  I don't want to look at them and need to go lie down because they tire me out so much.

I honestly don't feel like I was ever like that!  I don't remember having that kind of energy - even on my best, most youthful days.

It's a joy to see; a joy to be around.

But, I'm glad I'm not the parent.  I'm too old and way too tired for that.

So, I'll enjoy it from a distance and whenever I have the chance, then go home and take a nap!

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