
Getting Ready

Okay, so we leave on a grand adventure in one month.

Going to Germany for one month.

Now we are gathering our items together:

Electronics, cords, pillows for the plane, extra medicines, list of things to do and to take....

it's pretty overwhelming....

But, mainly because RAH says...

"Here's the deal, we will each take ONE carry-on suitcase!"


Okay, insane.

But, now it's become a challenge....

Should I take two pair of shoes or just take one pair that are walking shoes?  How will those look in church?

Should I pack shampoos, etc, or just buy that stuff there?

How many pairs of pants can I stuff inside one little bag to get me through an entire month?

What if I buy just one little souvenir...will I have to leave something behind to stuff it in my one little suitcase?

Oh, the agonies and the ecstasies of packing.

Let's see how it all plays out.

I'll keep you posted.

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