
The Judge

"WHY doesn't she lose weight?" I wondered.

"She's so VERY big!"

Well, now I know why.

And, now at long last, I am so sympathetic to S, to D, to J, to C, to L, and to all the others that I have been so stupidly judgmental of.


And the reason I know how hard it is, is because I have been trying....sort of desperately.

Here's the deal.

Once you put that weight on, it is SOOOOOO hard to get it off.

Your eating habits have gotten you there.

So, NOW, changing habits is required.

And, that is NOT easy.

The fat cells STICK like GLUE - and not just Elmer's glue, but the hard-core glue where nothing comes off!  That's the fat cells once they have attached to hips and thighs and arms and chins and ear lobes; they will NOT go easily into that good night.

Now, I am humbled and repentant.

Now I understand why Linda told us that all the people at her workplace have just given up losing weight as a lost cause and they eat ANYTHING they want.  They are tired of the battle.

And, battle it is.

Never ending.

So, I'm eating humble pie instead of lemon meringue.  And, it doesn't taste nearly as delicious.

I'm sorry about being silently critical.

I'm sorry that I didn't understand the challenges.

But, now I do.

And, I'm no longer standing as judge.

Only a sympathetic person filled with understanding and empathy.

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