
Jobless and Forlorn

Today I visited a man who just lost his job - again.

He was very very despondent.

I've known this man for about 9 years....he is a positive, good man.

But, this has practically debilitated him.

He's lost several jobs in the last few years, so it is having a cumulative effect on him.

He's distraught and in great despair.

He has served in the temple for 9 years, is currently serving a service mission in the recovery and addiction program, plus teaching a youth Sunday School class.  He has never doubted the Gospel or his faith.

So, he is quite perplexed right now as to what/why this is happening, in spite of keeping the commandments over a lifetime.

Truthfully, I didn't know what to say.

While I've never been in his position, someone in our immediate family has been in that very same position....living the commandments, serving faithfully in the church, tithe payer; yet, losing several jobs - through really no fault of their own, just the economy, etc.

S told me that he doesn't even see the need to get up in the morning...

He feels like a failure not being able to support his family.

My heart aches for him and his pain.

And, once again, I wish - as I did so often on our employment mission - that everyone who wanted a job and was willing to work COULD work.

Sometimes life just doesn't seem fair.

And, it hurts.

I don't like that at all.

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