
National Doctor's Day

It sounds glamorous and exciting and potentially lucrative.

Young kids say it's what they want to be when they grow up.

Mothers want their daughters to marry one.

But, the reality of the career is not quite so glamorous.

The hours are killer.  The amount of information to recall is mind-boggling. The responsibility almost overwhelming.  The student debt is staggering.  

And, did I mention that LIVES are at stake here.  

If you bring the wrong order to a customer in a restaurant, it can be easily remedied.  If you give the bank customer a twenty instead of a ten, you can easily correct that error.

But give a wrong diagnosis, make an error in surgery, underdose an anesthetic, it is people's LIVES that are being dealt with.

Oh sure, some people go into the profession for selfish, egotistical reasons.  But for any one of those, there are dozens of hard-working, dedicated professionals whose goal is to truly help people and make their lives better.

In this sue-crazy culture, physicians get a very bad rap and rep.

But, I know - from personal experience - many doctors whose goal truly is TO SERVE and TO HELP.

To them, today, I give honour and a big shout - out.  Thanks for your time (which most of us cannot even comprehend when talking about residency and internships), your concern, your care, and your dedication.

Thanks especially to my nephews - Drs. Gee, and to our own family - Drs. Hackworth, Dr. Anderson, Dr. Fisher.

You are doing what so few of us are willing to and would do.


Ms. Fish said...

Thank you mom. This was really well written. You definitely described the profession very well. I am in perpetual awe at what my sibs have been through, and yet they remain optimistic, hard working, humble and kind. We all come from good stock!!

Thanks for your neverending support. Love you Mom!!

KRose said...

Thanks mom- you are kind. You are the hardest worker and most compassionate person I know. Thanks for being such a strong example and teaching me.

Linda Austin Hart said...

Love this!

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