
Monday Again

Today's sad story revolves around:

job loss
overwhelming credit card debt
an out-of-control spend-thrift husband
drug-addicted daughter
prostrate cancer

and, all of this is in one family; broke my heart.  I was so discouraged and it was only ten in the morning!

A man and his girlfriend came in to see the transient bishop.  He was pleasant, suffered greatly from Parkinson's disease and announced that he was headed to Salt Lake to join the church.  Good for him.  I hope it's not because he needed money to support his cigarette habit, which was overwhelmingly evident by the smell.  I hope it's not because he needed food and clothing, which he asked the bishop for.  I hope it's because he genuinely can know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church.

Later in the morning, an awesome person came in.  Jacob restored my spirits.  But, he wasn't looking for a job, so maybe that is why he was so pleasant. He was a newly-called ward employment specialist.  And, he wanted to learn all about things and how he could help the unemployed in his ward.  He was inspiring in so many ways!

Just before I left, I talked with a 70 year old man.  He worked in Hollywood for many years as an actor, moved to Utah in the 1990s and has had some acting gigs in Southern Utah.  But, he needs money and a JOB.

Mondays - always a jolt back to reality!

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