
More Sad Stories; It Must Be Monday!

Mondays are always busy.  Today, there were times when job seekers were waiting around for a computer to use and a missionary to help them.

So, here's today's happenings:

Bishop C and his wife will be released early from their calling as transient bishop; his doctor is ordering it done; it is an extremely stressful calling and he has heart issues, so must get away from the stress.  I will miss his incredible wife; she is such a delight.  Best of luck to you both, dear people.  You will be missed.

2 newly-released prisoners came for help; they desperately need jobs....but, many employers are reluctant to hire them....

M needs a job.  She and her 4 children just arrived from Hawaii.  They are staying at the Dixie Care and Share.  Milk is nine dollars a gallon in Hawaii, so she moved here for lower cost of living...but, will she be able to get a JOB?

D came - again...he has so many psychological issues.  He told Allen, then me, that he HATES to work.  He likes to drive truck; he can just SIT all day.  However, he has anxiety disorder, so he can't get a job.

R needs a job; he lost his last 3 jobs, which just doesn't look good on a resume no matter how you try to tweak it.

M was awesome.  He also just moved here from Hawaii, but he has skills and job experience.  He should be able to get a job.  He was refreshing; funny, laid back, interesting, happy, positive.  

And finally G; he has a job, but wants a better-paying job to support his three sons.  Here's hoping!

That was Monday.

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