
First Car

It was given to us when we married.

It had been given to my dad when someone couldn't pay him actual cash for his legal services.

Old, yes. Faded colors, yes. Stick shift, yes.

But, it worked, and got us to the university and back home again.

It got us to the grocery store and to church.

It provided a ride for one semester to a lady - sans car - going back to college.

The window pulverized one summer when we were away. Because there was no back window, during the winter, the open window always filled up with snow, making it difficult to see out the back.

The left door latch didn't work, so every time we made a right turn, the door would swing open making people stare and wonder if a body was going to come flying out....

We've had better cars, newer cars, shinier cars, cars that have been more fun to drive, but I'll always be grateful for that first car.

1 comment:

Lauralee said...

Sometimes I'd like to have the "old days" back again. It was a hard time, but I only have happy memories of all the boys being home and the neverending fun.

As for my old reliable car, it doesn't owe me a dime! And that suits me just fine as long at it keeps on running!

I love your reflective posts. They take me back to those days . . .

OH, Those Wonderful Grandkids....