Just a record of what is happening...
Everyone a beauty! Not a dud in the lot. Age eight is a great year, when the kids are so fun and they love life to the fullest.
I taught primary for many years. My favorite class was the seven and eight year olds!
Geez! Those names are all close-sounding! Good luck keeping them all straight! :)
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Look what was on the door of my car this morning when I got out of the gym. It really thrilled me. I was so happy some Christian person i...
Everyone a beauty! Not a dud in the lot. Age eight is a great year, when the kids are so fun and they love life to the fullest.
I taught primary for many years. My favorite class was the seven and eight year olds!
Geez! Those names are all close-sounding! Good luck keeping them all straight! :)
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