
Remembering Chicago

"It's a quick trip; just over Thanksgiving to see the Art Institute of Chicago. There's room in the van, and it will be a fantastic trip," Leta said. "You should see if you can come with us, even though you're not an art student."

And, that's how I ended up going to Chicago for Thanksgiving, 1962 in my Freshmen year of college.

It was terrible weather on the Wednesday we were scheduled to leave. I mean really really blizzardy, cold, wintery (in other words, a normal day for Rexburg, Idaho.)

My father didn't think I should go. But, he said on the telephone, "I'm not going to say no...I'll leave the decision to you. However, I wish you wouldn't and I don't think you should."

"He didn't actually say NO," Leta reminded me when I told her my father didn't want me to go.

So, I went. Oh, it was cold sitting in the van, the wind was howling, the roads were icy, but Oliver Parson, his wife and two daughters sang, and Leta sang...oh, she had a great voice.

We drove through the night and arrived at Marilyn's home in Chicago on Thanksgiving day...just in time for dinner.

I called my parents to tell them we had arrived safely in Chicago....

"Loni," my mother said. " We know you are joking, and this isn't really very funny. We are waiting dinner for you. Now, where are you????? Are you at Nancy's (my roommate from Pocatello) home? "

"Mom, I'm in Chicago."

"I don't believe you. The operator didn't say anything about this being a collect call. Now, sweetheart, please come on home, we're all really hungry just waiting for you."

"Mom, I'm really in Chicago....I won't be home for this holiday, but as soon as I get back to Rexburg on Sunday night, I'll call you again..."

Mom told me later that they finally decided maybe I was telling the truth when I didn't show up by the next day.

That was a great very quick trip; art museum, downtown Chicago. Lots of laughter, lots of fun, lots of good people. (Including the famous Parson of art fame family.)

I've never been back to Chicago...maybe I'll get there some day. But, it will never be quite like the trip in 1962.


Mrs. Olsen said...

What a great story. Reminds me of a lot of road-tripping fun with your daughter Kristi.

Lauralee said...

That all happened the year before I came to Ricks. I had never heard this story, so it was fun to read. Those were the carefree times when we thought nothing bad could ever happen. Unfortunately we know better now.

Janessa said...

This is a great story. I laughed when I read it at Stockton's Swim Meet. I wonder what my mom would do if I did that to her on a big holiday event! Hmm... maybe I'll have to try it out!

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