

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.

WOW, another incredible movie,

Another true story,

Another sports story,

Another inspiring story of a great person making a difference ....

Another reminder that every once in awhile, a really worthwhile movie comes along.

After watching the movie, go home and read the powerful poem INVICTUS which sustained Nelson Mandela while in prison for 27 years; not for murder, not for robbery, not for some unspeakable crime, but for wanting equality for all races and peoples in South Africa.

Ah, Clint Eastwood, you got it right!


Lauralee said...

I'll put this one on my "Don't Miss" list for sure. I love the true or based on true movies. So energizing and uplifting.

(Am I caught up now? Home and revved up for another year!)

Carolyn said...

GREAT web site! I am a decendant of Dan Brighton. My grandmother was Florence Brighton Stoven Covey.I just did a little booklet for Christmas for my family and then found this! My husband is wondering what program you used or how you did this?
Happy New Year!
Carolyn Coray Hartzell

Janessa said...

We went and saw this on Friday. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for nudging us that way. Love you!

LGH said...

Carolyn, the program Allen used to create his website is Microsoft Publisher. He did a good job, didn't her? Good luck.

Ms. Fish said...

Loved this show. The year's best! Thanks for the recommendation!

Carolyn said...

Just wanted to also let you know that in the Brighton family reunion 1938 picture some of the last names are misspelled. Some of the Stoven's came out as Stovan, like my mom's! Where did you get those pictures?

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