

Sometimes I think about people who have boring jobs.

I feel sorry for them. And, maybe they aren't really boring to them, but to MOI, they seem lonely, unfulfilling, and just plain BORING. (Now, granted, some of these jobs are held by college students, so that's okay, if it's just temporary, and to get you through college.)

So, here's my partial list that I can think of today:

Mall sun-glass kiosk worker

Mall kiosk make-up/face lotions worker (Come on over, we can take 10 days off your face!)

Cartier's in Las Vegas Mall; 3 salespeople in the store - no customers; they looked like they were bored, and would practically beg people to just come in and browse.

Actually any ritzy store in Vegas... when we were recently there, the stores were all empty with very bored-looking sales personnel.

Security guard in a mall

Secretary in a slow-market business. (Like the vacuum store we just visited; no customers and she's there from ten to five.)

I would hate to have a job where you have to try to look busy!

So, there's my list of boring jobs...care to add to it?

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